07 Dec

Crooks, 31, said he's been posting opinions on social issues on Facebook since 2006 after the shooting death of Sean Bell in Queens, N.Y. In that incident, police fired 50 rounds at a car near a strip club, killing the groom and wounding the friends who took him out on the night before his wedding. Crooks, who earned his degree in interdepartmental studies from the University of Iowa in 2007, understands people's social media attention span is short – he himself doesn't watch any online video longer than three minutes – so he didn't expect many people to peruse his 4,747-word missive. Former Naperville man's essay on black life goes viral. "I really didn't set out to write a treatise on black life," said Crooks, whose family moved to Naperville's south side when he was in the fifth grade. An essay posted on Facebook about growing up black in the Midwest by former Naperville resident Brian Crooks is going viral, much to the surprise of the Neuqua Valley graduate.

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